

1933 – 2024


荷斯坦-多丽丝·M. 彼得森, 90, 于六月三日安详离世, 2024, 被家人包围, at 好撒玛利亚人协会 in Holstein. She had previously resided at The Ridge and Holstein Senior Living. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 10 a.m. 在大街上. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church of Holstein. Burial will be at the Holstein Cemetery of Holstein with lunch following at the church. The 尼克的维. Jensen Funeral 首页 in Holstein is handling the arrangements.

Doris 于六月三日安详离世, 2024, 被家人包围, at 好撒玛利亚人协会 in Holstein. She had previously resided at The Ridge and Holstein Senior Living.

多丽丝出生于10月。. 18, 1933, the fourth of thirteen children, to Harold and Ethel (Tolzin) Breyfogle. The oldest children were in charge of getting the youngest off to school and assuring laundry, 打扫房间和做家务都做完了. Doris gleaned from her youth that a little could be enough, and the importance of taking pride in what you have and working hard to accomplish what you want in life. But especially, she knew the value of family love and support. Memorial, Thanksgiving and Christmas Days were always spent with family at Grandma B’s house.

Doris graduated from Holstein High School in 1951 as valedictorian of her class. 她是1951年《乐博平台》杂志的编辑, sang in the school chorus and small groups, 在老年剧中演出, 被选为接力赛女王, and was the leading scorer on Coach Russ Kraai’s 1951 State Girls’ Basketball team.

Doris was a brilliant student and loved learning above all else. 她通过努力获得了一个B.A. in Education from Wartburg College by working as a caretaker for the home and children of the local pharmacist. After graduating, her first elementary teaching assignment was in Cherokee. She then moved to California and taught in Torrence for two years.

Doris said often that she would have stayed in sunny California, had it not been for one thing—a tall, handsome farmer who didn’t want to leave Iowa. She and Tom 彼得森 were married at St. 保罗路德教会 in Holstein on Aug. 16, 1959, and spent the next 61 years together. They were an example of love and devotion to their children, and especially to each other.

Tom and Doris bought the 彼得森 family farm in 1960 and raised three children there: Tracey Linn, 基思乔, 苏珊·乔安妮. They instilled in their children a strong work ethic, 热爱学习, and the importance of family love and loyalty. Doris’ pride and joy was her enormous garden and rhubarb bed, 和特蕾西, Keith and 苏珊 all spent innumerable hours helping with planting, 日益增长的, harvesting and preserving the fruits of that labor.  

Doris tended lovingly to Tom’s mother, 奥古斯塔, 多年来, buying her groceries each Saturday alongside Aunt Anna 彼得森, and taking her to church each Sunday.  She set an example by her actions of the importance of caring for those we love until the end.

Doris felt it was important to be a mother first and foremost, so she stayed home with her family during the years that the children were in school. During that time, she attended Morningside College to obtain her B.S. 小学教育. 当最小的女儿, 苏珊, 高中毕业, Doris returned to her passion and taught 多年来 in Battle Creek. She substitute taught until she was 80, 在那之后, would comment often how much she missed teaching and the children.

Doris’ favorite activity was golfing. She played in a senior ladies’ golf league called the Keen-Agers. She also walked miles each day, outside when she could, or at the Rec Center. 最重要的是, 多年来, Doris made sure to make the long trips as often as she and Tom could to Kansas and Montana to see their grandchildren’s special activities and events. 他们对她来说都是整个世界. 

多丽丝是圣. 保罗路德教会, where she taught Confirmation classes 多年来. She instilled a strong faith and love of the Lord in her children. Though dementia won out in the last 15 years of her life, she never lost her ability to laugh and love. She will be remembered by all who knew her as a strong, intelligent woman who never sat still, and who put her husband’s and family’s needs and desires before her own in every instance.

Doris is survived by her children Tracey 彼得森 Atzeni (husband Steve), Keith 彼得森, and Dr. 苏珊·彼得森(丈夫. Jon Bullman), grandchildren Zachary Atzeni (wife Danielle), 凯特琳Atzeni, 和Mikayla, 艾莉和德里克·布尔曼. She is also survived by sister Carol Kolberg, 兄弟吉姆(妻子凯伦)布雷福格, Dean(妻子Cleo) Breyfogle, Don(妻子Jane) Breyfogle, 丹尼斯(妻子凯西)布雷福格, 和嫂子JoAnn Breyfogle.  Doris was preceded in death by her husband, 托马斯·彼得森, 她的父母, 哈罗德和埃塞尔·布雷福格, 和妹妹维拉·汤普森, 姐夫乔治·汤普森, 奥黛丽·舒伯特姐妹, 哈罗德·舒伯特, 杰克·布雷福格兄弟, 嫂子凯瑟琳·布雷福格, 邦妮·威尔库斯妹妹, 妹夫丹顿·威尔库斯, 杰瑞·布雷福格兄弟, 戴尔·布雷福格兄弟, 嫂子艾伦·麦德森, 玛格丽特·弗里德修女, 和妹夫哈罗德·彼得森.

The family wishes to thank the staff members of Holstein Senior Living, 好撒玛利亚人协会, and Care Initiatives Hospice for the loving care given to our mom. We also are very grateful to our extended family members for their strong love and support during these last difficult years. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to St. 保罗路德教会. Thank you to Pastor Bob Lewis for his years of service to St. Paul and to our family, and to all the members of St. Paul who have been a constant for our parents’ entire lives.


服务: 七月六日. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Holstein

埋葬: 荷尔斯泰因公墓

尼克的维. Jensen Funeral 首页 • Holstein • 712-368-4332






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